June 2023 Newsletter
This work is hard. Helping our neighbors achieve their goals and find fulfilling work that promotes a just Bay Area economy brings us to the highest of highs. Yet, at the same time, watching employers and policymakers disregard the security, dignity, and agency of workers is heart-wrenching. As workforce development advocates, we ride this emotional rollercoaster almost daily. We recognize that the stress of it all can negatively impact our personal lives and can even have a ripple effect on worker outcomes. It’s one reason why we partnered with Jobs for Future and Path Group to explore Improving Job Quality for Frontline Workers. We cannot serve our community from an empty cup.
This is why “self-care” must be a verb, an active practice.
A crucial part of living a full life is having room to work, play, and rest. With our Director, Rob Hope, leading by example, we are prioritizing the importance of self-care through sabbaticals – extended breaks away from professional work. This June, as Rob takes time to connect with his family, nature, and community, we are following in his footsteps and taking a break from your inbox!
We know that this is a privilege, still, we encourage you to make some space, no matter how long, to disconnect so that you can better reconnect. While our communication may be less frequent this month, know that we are recharging, refueling our passion, and renewing our commitment to ReWorking the Bay into a just economy that serves everyone!
See you in July!
In Community,Brianna + Rob
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