December 2021 Newsletter

ReWork the Bay envisions a Bay Area economy that centers the voices, power and needs of working people. We believe it should be possible for everyone to live full lives with security, dignity and agency in our work, home and communities.
We are so grateful to our Equity at Work Council, leaders actively working to make that a reality. They drive ReWork the Bay’s programmatic strategy, generate policy and systems change recommendations, and model deep cross-sector collaboration. It is a deep honor to build with them.
As a new Equity at Work Council cohort begins, we thank our alumni for all of their contributions: Andrea Dehlendorf of United for Respect, Eric Flores of California Workforce Association, Kris Stadelman of NOVAworks and Lisa Countryman-Quiroz of JVS.
In this newsletter, we take a moment to recap a few of our successes for 2021. But first, I would be remiss to not take a moment to honor the late bell hooks, who once said:
“To build community requires vigilant awareness of the work we must continually do to undermine all the socialization that leads us to behave in ways that perpetuate domination.”
Shared prosperity is everyone’s job. We look forward to continuing to do this work with you in 2022.
-bell hooks
In Solidarity,
Rob and Kayla
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