Our People

Equity at Work Council

These members lead ReWork the Bay’s programmatic strategy, generates policy and systems change recommendations and models deep cross-sector collaboration.

Air Gallegos

Director of Economic Mobility Canal Alliance

Reina Robinson

CEO Center for Urban Excellence

Martha Hernández

CEO and Co-Founder ESO Ventures

Rashida Hanif

Founder and CEO RepresentEd

Precious J. Stroud

Founder Black Female Project

Claire Lau

Just Recovery Campaign Coordinator Chinese Progressive Association 華人進步會

Marivel Mendoza-Matheu

Executive Director and CoFounder Hijas del Campo

Heather Henry

President/Executive Director Workforce Development Board (WDB) of Solano County

Terah Lawyer-Harper

Executive Director CROP Organization

Jesus Flores

President & CEO Latino Business Foundation Silicon Valley

Dr. Carole Dorham-Kelly

Chief Executive Officer Rubicon Programs

Max Bell Alper

Executive Director North Bay Jobs with Justice

Mark Herbert

Chief Operating Officer California Association for MicroEnterprise Opportunity (CAMEO)

Jeffery Wallace

President & CEO LeadersUp

Zima Creason

Executive Director California EDGE Coalition

Kimberly Alvarenga

Director California Domestic Workers Coalition

Luis Sandoval

Executive Director Building Skills Partnership