July 2023 Newsletter
After a month of recharging and reflecting, we are back and thrilled to share two pieces of fantastic news with you!
First, we’ve been working on something big that will bring us one step closer to ReWorking California’s economy so that it serves everyone. Earlier this year, after months of planning and partnership building, we released a request for proposals for projects that redefine job quality for frontline staff in workforce development organizations. Compassion fatigue and vicarious trauma are everyday experiences for these workers, and unfortunately, workforce organizations often lack the resources to support them in maintaining their mental and physical health. This stress is not only felt by frontline workers; the ripple effects can also impact job seekers.
We know that the California economy can do better to serve the needs of these workers, and we are excited to announce the eight organizations selected to do just that! This collaborative two-year project includes a structured training program, a mix of remote work and onsite activities, and an opportunity for frontline workers trained as researchers to publish their findings and reflections. Their findings will help also inform the next steps for broader, systems-level policy and practice change.
Over the next several months, we will introduce these organizations and their work in our monthly newsletter, so be sure to add reworkthebay@sff.org to your contacts or mark us as “not spam” so you don’t miss out on these stories from the frontlines! Second, we are thrilled to introduce Janelle Coronado, ReWork’s new Associate Initiative Officer! Janelle will lead our work in communications, grantmaking, contracting, relationship management, and organizing our virtual and in-person convenings.
Please join us in welcoming her to the team. Check out the rest of the newsletter to read more about Janelle and the first featured job quality cohort member, Forestry and Fire Recruitment Program.
In Community,
Brianna + Rob + Janelle
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